Laser Therapy


Do you suffer from cracked nipples or nipple pain during breastfeeding?

Or maybe you experienced perineal trauma during your vaginal delivery such as an episiotomy or tearing?

If you answered YES to any of these questions you may benefit from low level laser therapy!

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) reduces pain and
inflammation and stimulates the healing process

Nipple Trauma:

Many mothers find the early stages of breastfeeding challenging, one of the common reasons for this is due to sore/cracked nipples, approximately 80% of women experience nipple pain.

Laser therapy can help to accelerate the healing of tissues while reducing the inflammation and pain associated with breastfeeding.

Perineal Trauma:

Dyspareunia (painful penetrative intercourse) and perineal pain are commonly reported symptoms in the postpartum period, due to perineal trauma, lacerations & episiotomy.


Laser therapy can be an effective tool to help:

-       Reduce pain

-       Reduce sensitivity

-       Reduce inflammation

-       Improve tissue/wound healing


What is low-level laser therapy?

Laser therapy a non-invasive light source treatment applied to the area of concern (nipples or perineum), laser generates a single wavelength of laser light, interacting with the body tissue to stimulate faster healing. Laser emits no heat, sound, or vibration and is not painful.

Laser therapy is a gentle and painless treatment with very minimal to no side-effects when applied by a trained health professional.

It can be applied as early as a few days to months after the birth trauma as occurred!